Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Spring 2010 is Just Around the Corner

Brochures for our Spring 2010 semester are at the printer. They should be in your mailbox by the end of next week. Classes begin the week of January 11. This is sooner than usual, so get your registrations in quickly. We are looking forward it!

Friday, July 24, 2009

You can register for our fall classes online. Lisa is teaching on Thursdays:
Our Time 9:45am
Village 10:45am
Sign and Sing 11:45am

Sarah is teaching on Mondays:
Our Time 9:20am
Village 10:15am

Imagine That 9:45am
Family Time 10:45am

Our Time 5:50pm

For Sarah's classes click on this link:
Enroll Now Online

For Lisa's classes click on the link with her post below.
We hope to see you soon.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

NEW - Enroll now online!

Tired of writing a check, searching for an envelope, and scouring your purse for a stamp? Enroll online today - so easy!

To enroll online in Lisa's classes

Enroll Now Online

Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Fall 2009 schedule is set! Classes begin the week of August 17. Brochures are available to be mailed or emailed to you.

Monday, June 29, 2009

We have room for you!

Our summer Adventures classes begin next week. Peek-a-Boo for the Village age (birth - 18mths) will meet on Mondays in July from 10:45am-11:30am with Lisa Stevens. Zoo Train for the Our Time age (18mths - 3yrs) will meet on Tuesdays in July from 9:45am - 10:30am. These classes will meet for 4 weeks and the cost is $95 per child. Join us for the Kindermusik fun! Email me at Hallhome96@aol.com or Lisa Stevens at Lisastevens@charter.net for more information.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Can you believe that spring is already here? We are now making plans for our summer adventures with Kindermusik. What days work best for your schedule? Talk to Lisa Stevens or Sarah Hall about your interest in the summer program and what days will work best for your schedule. We will do our best to plan accordingly. If you have a friend who would like to be added to our mailing list, please email Lisa at lisastevens@charter.net.

Please remember that second payments are due during the month of March. Please turn this in as soon as possible.

I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy. You and your little one are certainly missed when you are absent from class.

Take care,

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Creation of our Blog

This site is designed to help the educators of Kindermusik of Montgomery, Sarah Hall and Lisa Stevens, communicate with the parents involved or interested in our program. It also gives us an opportunity to share pictures of all the fun that takes place in our classes. Kindermusik of Montgomery is the oldest Kindermusik program in Montgomery. All of our classes are held at First Baptist Church in downtown Montgomery. We have three semesters of classes, January - May, June - August, and August -December . We currently have classes for Village (birth - 18 months),
Our Time (18 months - 3 years) and Imagine That
(3 years - 5 years). We offer Family Time and Sign and Sing as well. Visit our blog again soon.

Sarah Hall